Hello, I'm back! Now, I'm gonna show you some statistics of Internet Users in the world.
Based on the chart, we can see that Asian are dominating for Internet Users in the World by 45.7% of about 3 billions people who use the internet. Followed by European, South American, North American, Africa, Middle East and the last Oceania by 0.9%.
And here is the graph of Internet Penetration Rates in the world.
We can see that North America is the most Internet Penetration Rates. And the "internet's continent" a.k.a Asia on bottom two with Africa in this case.
And here is the graph about Public Cloud Services Market by Segment and prediction for the next 2 years. This graph published by Gartner, one of the most famous Technology Researcher.
From that graph, we can se that Public Cloud Service Market is increasing and increasing in the last 5 years, and it still will be increasing in the next two years.
And the last but not the least is graph about Internet Domain Host that published by www.isc.org.
In this case, the increasing of Internet Domain Host are very big growth. And in te next years I think the increasing will be very very high.
And that's all. Assalamualaikum. Peace to you. :D
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